The power of mind made manifest 


The dividing line above is absolute reality. All creative potential resides within a neutral stillness of divine oneness.

One energy balanced perfectly by equal polarities. Each and everything is given meaning by the recipients mental derivation, projection and reaction. 

As god-like creator beings we have the power to cast meaning unto the canvas which surroundings us to suit our story and purpose. We literally give personal birth and meaning to life with our thoughts.

With a developed mind one has the ability to contemplate, analyse and transform once seemingly negative experiences into profoundly insightful and positive ones. Ones which will in turn give birth to further healing, growth and  self understanding.

Consciousness/ spirit is the loyal observer and worthy way shower once it is in command of body and mind.

However without cognitive development we are slave to a reactive, limited, biased and “self” obsessed mechanical mind. 

The mind is a vessel largely used for processing life in this physical existence. And to some extent a translator of information from the higher non-physical realms into manifest. We bring our higher self ( spirit/ consciousness) into worldly animation with the use of our imagination. The mighty I AM presence is the becoming of that which is.

However, the moment we react to something we have attached ourselves to it. Our mind has the ability to shift into and embody that which is in focus. This again is the power of manifest. 

Think and so ye shall become.

When not under cognitive rulership and with no established centre point one will instead begin absorbing and reflecting that which surrounds them.

And by doing so shall fall from god-like heights into earth bound manifest.

If chaos is to be witnessed in ones surroundings the uncontrolled mind will react, binding itself to chaos, thus becoming it.

It should be noted that one cannot change that which he has become. 

Liberation shall not be felt until one liberates themselves from the demons which infect his inner temple.

To reach the god head peak of illumination and all becoming, one must first become god like. 

Forgiveness and non – judgement are the grand keys of liberation from the earthly. Find it within and unleash the power of unimaginable light.

Align your every action with love and you will become the shining light of life itself.

Walk towards what your heart beats for. Break free of bondage.

The truth is, there are many humans who have very little life experience outwith the ‘norm’. They havent yet asked the right questions and they havent developed their own self analysis.

And so innocent they are, it is not them to blame but this game they play.

Go to school. Get a job. Get married. Have kids. Retire.

And if you are at the start of your quest i say to you to be very mindful of this.

For these could be the people you work, socialise or live with.

When you tell them about your big plans as you seek for approval be careful not to have your confidence stubbed out by their negative babble.

‘Your crazy’
‘you can’t do that’
‘that’s dangerous’
‘what about your future’
‘You need money’

One must be brave if he/she wants to break free from the bondage of this matrix.

For the prisoners are in fact guards of their own box of lies.

Your not alone but you are for now a minority.

The rest have settled for the ‘comfortable’ life of service and consumption.

It is important to respect that and move on. For there is a great change happening. Two inner world’s are dividing and every year these world’s are moving further and further apart.

My advice is listen to your heart not the people. You want approval? Follow that good feeling!

And if it really happens that you need some guidance go seek out the wild folks up in the hill. The misfits and crazies. Travellers and pixies. Poets and painters. Writers and wonderers. Story tellers and drop outs.

For these people have depth past the exterior shell. These people don’t care about suits and shiney shoes for their dreams are brighter. Their hearts are bigger and their minds are clearer.

So my message to you is come join us down the rabbit hole and until you do we shall be calling your name from the free world.


your potential is endless and so is your journey.

your potential is endless and so is your journey.

so why would you seek the end result?

stay present and take life one step at a time.

live your life day by day.

let go of yesterday but remember what you have learned from it.

we are infinite beings of light but we are still only a part of something much greater.

so be humble.

this life should not be lived in competition with others.

realise that everyone is at different stages within their own very unique life.

no one is better or worse.

we are all either teachers of what to be or not to be.

it is very easy to blame others and get lost in the fury at those who are under developed in certain ways but we should aim to transform that frustration into love and an opportunity of giving guidance.

be the change.

show people it is possible to be happy without the drugs, junk food, money and television.

your actions speak louder than the primitive words which clatter between your teeth.

let your actions draw those curios in and only then should it be your time to speak. those who have the ears to understand will ask the questions.a0c2f-20160227_090929

my journey towards divine light

i had an incredible experience with the mushrooms yesterday that i wish to share with you all.

let me start by saying that mushrooms are an incredibly powerful and spiritual tool, they are not a recreational drug and should not be used for the purpose of just fun but of learning.

so me and my younger brother prepared some mushroom tea about 3 grams each.

we hiked up into the fields away from all dog walkers and were totally isolated in nature.

i also need to mention some additional background info,

i have been doing around 2 – 3 hours of meditation and yoga each day. i have been conciously trying to realign and open my energy points/ chakras. i have also been eating a vegan diet and mostly raw fruit and veg. this detoxification process has been an essential part of my personal development and abilities to connect with source energy so efficiently.

30 minutes passed and the medicine began taking effect.
i began feeling my energy points/ chakras vibrate from my root all the way to my crown. its was incredible!! they were almost charging up and began buzzing in high vibrations. i have never felt anything like it! during this transition i began thinking ooohh my god i am actually activating!!

as this continued to happen we began exploring and ventured across the fields and forests. we then came across a whole area of land where loggers have obviously cut down trees for wood etc.

as soon as my vision made contact with a tree stump my whole being began to tremble with terror and heart break. what i was feeling was the tree communicating its pain and suffering to me. this nearly brought me to my knees in absolute shock and horror.
i am telling you all now whether you are aware of it or not, trees are conscious spiritual beings and each one has a personality just like any animal and human. this truly broke my heart like it would seeing a brutally assaulted animal.

we made our way through the grave yard of dead and dying trees and reached some living ones again!!

we ventured for hours through woodland and fields in amazement of the life which surrounded us.

we then came across another very heartbreaking experience. there were a bunch of cows in a field and we made our way over to them.

when the cows saw us they began trembling with fear. their eyes looked terrified and they shuddered at the their memories of earlier bad experiences with humans. they were actually crying when they first saw us and were too scared to come over.
i began by trying to gain their trust and then out of no where a big bull came right upto us full of rage. the whole energy of the bulls presence pushed us back as we felt its aggression. (on an energetic and emotional level not physical)
this bull actually looked like a ball of death its whole being had been corrupted by fear.

let me say that animals just like humans are not naturally aggressive creatures. we have it built into us by bad life experiences. this bull was terrified of us from obvious past encounters with humans and it resulted in a defensive anger. the only humans they have met are those who have pinned thick tags in their ears and dragged them onto wagons to bung them in a field.

we stood there trying to gain the trust of these poor traumatised creatures and bit by bit they began to warm to us.

love heals and it transforms! be that source of love and light. like those cows there are also many humans who have had their lives punctured by some form of violence. we must be the ones to show them love. it will lift them up!

we carried on up a hill to watch the sun set. if you have not heard of sun gazing i recommend you research it today it will enhance your life in every way!

in the first hour of sun rise and the last hour of sun set we are able to gaze at the sun and it doesn’t emit any harmful or damaging rays. the sun is all of lifes source of energy. biophotons!

it travels down the chain in the order.


and as the energy passes down this chain it looses its potency. moral issues aside but if you want to vibrate at a higher frequency and tune into source energy meat must be cut out of your diet. the material is too thick to digest properly which costs our bodies large amounts of energy to consume. the meat also contains all the fear and terror which was pumping through the blood of the animal at its point of death. this enters your body and mind when eaten.

anyways we began gazing at the sun and as i did i could feel myself becoming full of energy. i started feeling my consciousness expand into an almost god like love and strength like nothing i have ever felt before.

you wanna know what god is? its the sun. it radiates only the purest of light, warmth and love. it is the most devine source of energy there is. research sun gazing and then try it for yourself. you will soon see! smile emoticon

this realisation and activation has made me realise that the awakening process is a constant unfoldment. and that by detoxifying your body and purifying your mind we can all connect and begin channeling this divine and powerful light through our very being.

if you are reading this i make you the promise that if you follow your heart in the direction of love and make a tremendous conscious effort to purify your being you will in time become a channeller of this power. it is a totally divine conscious state and higher sense of reality. you will become a pillar of love and not even a fiber of fear will remain in your being.

be the change people. great things are happening!!

fear nothing and give nothing a reason to fear you. we are warriors of only love.

my soul recognises your soul let us join together and create paradise for our brothers and sisters!!! x


unplug and tune in

(i do not own this image)

think of your mind as a receptor and decoder of all the information which surrounds us every second of the day.
the information which surrounds us flows on a multiple of frequencies and vibrations just like radio signals.
this receptor was once rather clean in our first few years of life.
But through social and cultural conditioning our receptors started to become cluttered and over time they lost there abilities to receive information accurately and efficiently.
your country, your job, your clothes, your house, your money, the toxins etc… are the barriers we must transcend.
from birth we have literally been bombarded with titles, misinformation and toxins which have greatly decreased our receptors.
the more we are attached to these false identities the more cluttered and deluded we become.
the majority of people are so cluttered they are only able to receive the physical layer of information. this kind of person is almost totally shut off to all other dimensions. they are dominated by false beliefs and suffer from small but seemingly big worldly problems such as addictions, isolation, lust and competition.
however a person who is further developed in the decluttering process and more aware of the higher frequencies of information begins to transcend those problems. they begin to feel universal connection. they begin seeing the world for what it is in sheer clarity. their awareness expands past themselves and immediate family to the beautiful realisation that all is one, a big family. they literally begin to vibrate at a higher frequency and are no longer compatible with low vibrational foods like meat, alcohol and junk food etc. the idea of such begins to repulse them. they begin needing less and eating only raw plant material. they begin feeling the energy of others around them. they begin to notice the magic of synchronicity and telepathy. they begin seeing strong but beautiful visuals upon waking up each day as energy is rising within them. fear begins to transform into love and the list goes on and on as the rabbit hole is endlessly deep.
the awakening process is a constant unfoldment, as we begin to detach from this clutter and detox our body we slowly begin uncovering more of our true self.
and little by little our receptors begin decoding this reality more accurately.
it is us who trap ourselves within the limitations of our preconceived beliefs and it is us who can free ourselves by opening up to the wonders of this existence. we all have a purpose but we have to dig deep to find it.
not everyone is quite ready yet but for anyone wanting to reach higher states of mind you need to start unplugging from the bullshit, reconnecting with nature and detoxing the body.
purify your body and mind. and your soul will begin to shine through again!

know thyself

Experience is everything

Our own personal reasoning comes from the archive of memories stored from our past experiences.

A very common problem which often results in Ignorance, arrogance and suffering is a lack of experience, comparison and analysis.

For example…

Someone smokes weed every day and believes that it makes them more creative, productive and happier.

This person has smoked weed every day for 5+ years.

That is such a long time that most memory of life before smoking weed has faded into the shadows of their mind.

What they should really do is stop smoking for a month or two and then compare the results.

By doing this they will grasp a truthful understanding of what an everyday habit does to their body mind and soul.

That’s only one example.

The same goes for people who have never left the job they hate and believe life is all about working earning and living for the weekend. They grow to believe in the illusion without having any other experience to compare results.

You can say the same for people who eat junk food every day. They believe that is how their body operates normally. Sluggish and sugar relient.

Or the person who has never left their country. What do they know about the world with such limited experience?

I am not saying I have anything against people who take part in those activities. What I’m saying is what do you know about yourself if you have never experienced life on the other side of the fence?

I say go out there and collect as many new experiences as possible.

The more perceptions we have of this reality the clearer our understandment of it will be.

With every new experience there is an expansion of awareness.

Every day which passes brings new experiences to some level but we can maximise our growth by consciously pushing ourselves outside the comfort zone. One step at a time.

Taste new foods.

Talk with new people.


Break the routine.

Happiness is only the by product of freedom. And true freedom comes from information and understanding.



true religion is love.

religion did not start with the means of controlling crowds. it did not have the first intentions of wars, money or division. men with those desires could not write such in depth guide books.

it started with seekers of truth. Good hearted wise men. travelers and explorers of mind and matter. they would go on pilgrimages between small villages and towns, searching for and teaching their findings to whoever crossed their path. they did not sit on gold thrones like the pope does now. they walked with nothing but the clothes they were wearing and sandals. they had knowledge much wealthier than a silly gold chair.

some of these men were so pure at heart and connected with source energy that their presence and words rippled and shook whole communities of people.

their religion was life. they were devoted to the power of love and they spoke only of it. they were their own leaders and only followed the rules of their own heart.

these men traveled through towns, they did not stop for long. the people of the settlements would speak of the wise man who passed through long ago and so the stories were passed on through generations.

these stories were passed on because people were inspired by such beauty.

‘religion’ came from the Latin word ‘religare’ this means to bind.

‘yoga’ came from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ which also means to bind.

in other words union. religion and yoga means union.
and it is that which we should be seeking. these teachings were not originally created to control us. they were there to guide us towards ourselves.

they are a practice not a discipline.

what has went terribly wrong is that greedy un-holy men hijacked these teachings and began to manipulate these truths. and sheeple began taking everything that was written literally without even having their own thoughts to question it and were blindly led into battle. this is what started wars and division amongst people. the fools of humanity.

in todays western society, good teachings have faded and weve been left with greedy men and a bunch of unable to think for themselves sheep.

the people who stand back and watch as bombs take flight are just as big a problem as the greedy men creating the bombs.

so when you say you hate religion have a think about what it is you really hate.

maybe its not the teachings you hate but the manipulations and corruption of such. greedy men with sheepish followers are the problem. not the core teachings.

so why are we still allowing this corruption to control our lives and this society?

all religions are the same truth but told in a different story.

there are many paths leading to the same truth. do not be the fool to shut out such ancient scriptures and teachings marking them total lies just because a few greedy men added a sick twist to the story. its deeper than that.

life is our religion. experience is our teacher and our hearts are our guide.

when people say serve god. they do not mean feed grapes to a big man in the sky.

there are two types of service:

the service to self

and the service to others

by serving others we begin to connect with the source energy which is love. we feel it when we help others yes? and it is this connection which brings us to understanding our true selves. every act of kindness is a step closer to discovering your infinite potential.

so walk in the light of love, spread your truth and confront all which is causing suffering.

our actions have the power to transform this mess, never doubt that!!704cb-20160212_132332

freedom is calling. search for it.

A true leader of light guides others to the point of knowledge that they too are their own leader.

We only need to be reminded of our own godly powers. within each of us is an infinite source of energy. That is connected to source.

You do not need to follow others blindly. Yes take advice when its offered but analyse all information for yourself and find what is truth and what is not according to your own personal reasoning and beliefs.

There are many hard times that arise during the path of life, but they teach us the most about ourselves. Embrace all experiences. feel the pain while your there because it wont stay around for much longer. The feeling of that pain is a sign that you are alive. now things could be worse so be happy for that!

There are also many good moments along the path of life. Again i say embrace it. Dance in that bliss. Shed your tears of joy let them stream down your cheeks in thankfulness.

But what i’m saying is don’t get stuck in one moment and become blinded by it because there is always more! Embrace all but do not cling onto anything.

Detachment from emotions is a practice which brings true peace.

Happiness comes and goes just as sadness does. By not being attached we free ourselves of those unstable moments.

Many crave happiness but i believe what we are all really searching for is freedom.

And by attaining freedom naturally happiness seeps into your blood.

Search for that under every stone. If you don’t have it yet let that be your mission.

It is waiting for you, deep down in your heart.fca4b-20160212_093933

be the change

society is a man made reality built within the true magical and infinite reality. society is built on imagination. our money and laws only hold power because we believe them to. its not till we take a step out of that bubble that we begin to see it for what its worth. we are being controlled by the media and its fear tactics and we are not receiving the correct education in our schools. in school they teach us how to obey a boss. They do not teach us to think for ourselves and strip most of us from our creative thoughts and ideas. we are being brainwashed into believing an illusion of work work work spend spend spend. without being able to think for ourselves we are being blindly lead and this sadly is the majority.

Everyone needs to begin questioning every aspect in this system.
decide what is right and wrong for yourself. you have the power to fix what is wrong and create what is right.

why are we spending so much money on new cars, new clothes, alcohol etc. what is missing that makes people think these objects will complete them? the 9-5 grind and living for the weekend lifestyle clearly isn’t healthy. too much money, not enough time. how silly that is. time is much more valuable than trading 40 hours a week for a pay check that gets spent on objects.

why are people watching so much reality tv shows? surely there must be a lack of excitement in their own lives.

why does everyone copy each other? with fashion and opinions etc? why are people so scared of thinking different from the norm and standing up for what they believe in?

why are people not saving their money and spending them on experiences instead? why not save up and go explore another part of the world, go meet new people! those people might change your life for the better! it is experiences that help us grow and figure out who we truly are not objects and living for the weekend. there is nothing to be gained from that kind of repetitive and mundane life.

why are people working jobs they have no passion for? grow some courage and respect yourself enough to walk away from anything which is not making you happy. forget the money.

clothing industry – why are we churning out cheap clothes at the cost of underpaid workers. why cant be just recycle clothes and use charity shops instead? we have plenty already in existence

meat industry – why are we torturing so many animals every day? what is the need? how can we improve this?
Over 56 billion farmed animals are killed every year by humans. More than 3,000 animals die every second in slaughterhouses around the world. These shocking figures do not even include fish and other sea creatures whose deaths are so great they are only measured in tonnes. this is wrong. no debate. seriously how can we improve this?????????????? According to one report, an estimated 70 percent of deforestation in the Amazon basin can be attributed to cattle ranching.

we are not in a state of survival anymore, we have a comfortable choice whether to eat meat or not. so why? we dont even have to eat meat every day. if you cant live without meat at least cut your consumption of it down. and if you love it so much why are you not eating organic meat from your local farmers which will be massively better for you and wont deal as much damage to the environment while at the same time supporting your small family farms and not corporations.

why do we eat so much junk food? people eat food which makes them feel horrible after? sort it out. listen to your body and respect it. our health is important.

drug laws – why are drugs illegal? it should be our right to explore altered states of consciousness if we choose to. we should not be labelled a criminal for it. they have made natural plants and mushrooms illegal?? why?? they come from the earth? natures gift to us. we need better education on them not simply dont do drugs, ridiculous.

politicians – why are we being led by the most abnormal and greedy humans amongst us. why cant we have more power over that? why dont they listen to us and benefit us. why are people suffering because of their decisions. why the fuck are they even thinking about starting wars and dropping bombs??!?!?! that is enough to prove that we are being led by the wrong people. we are far from civilised.

why are females being treated like objects still?! seriously sort that out learn some respect. you wouldn’t talk about your mother or sister like that. evolve your thinking into something beautiful.

the word adult is the title given to a human who has developed a socially conditioned and calcified brain. in the real world there is no such thing as an ‘adult’. we are all children some maybe wiser than others but we are all just trying to make sense of this very magical existence. the moment you close your mind to the mystery of life and think that you know it all is the moment you become an adult and stop growing. i wouldn’t advise doing that for a second. be open to everything and so you will continue to grow. when you take a step away from the distractions you will discover the magic.

the list goes on and on and on. find something that you dont agree with and make it your mission to change it for the better. its our duty. we are the future, lets make it a nice one!

knowledge is power. find out the facts. if you dont like something, do something about it! even if it is not affecting you directly you should be there to protect and improve life for not just yourself but everyone. confront everything which is causing harm.

if we dont start coming together and start standing up to and actively trying to change the issues in this society then we will continue to be walked over and lead only to further destruction of us and the planet.

be the change. we all need to do what we can to improve this mess as a team